Wednesday, April 23, 2008


I've been playing with my new lens extension tubes I talked about here, and I think I'm in love. This first shot, I swear to you, is straight out of the camera. I planned to Photoshop it, but all my normal tricks didn't do a thing for it. Which is fine, because I'm pretty proud of myself for this shot as-is. I have no idea what type of flower it is, but it's growing like a weed in my mom's front yard. How's that for low-maintenance gardening?

And the flower below grows on a tree right outside my office. Don't let it's sweet little face fool you, though. This flower smells like CRAP. I enhanced the red just an itsy bit in this one.

And this is from the same stinky tree. This one was a mess. I had to completely re-color it. I'm happy with it now, though. It feels springy.
So all you non-n00b photographers out there: critique away! (That means you, Dani.)
The End.

p.s. - are photography posts boring? Should I keep them to my other blog?

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