Saturday, January 05, 2008

The trudge of things

We took a long Christmas break from the office this year. Went back to work for a couple days last week and after this weekend I'll be back in the swing of things. Although I wish it were actually swingy, like the phrase insists. The negative-whatever temperature outside makes me feel zombie like. I'm craving some sunshine - enough sunshine to make me beg for a cold, zippy swig of something fruity and refreshing. Oh boy, how I need the sun to shine!

I am, however, feeling a sense of accomplishment and slight excitement for a new way of doing things around here. See, most days go like this: get up, go to work for 8 hours, come home too tired to cook, call hubby to tell him to get food on his way home home, eat trash for dinner, switch the laundry, put baby to bed, crash from undernourishment. New Years Resolutions are like, soooo lame, but if I were to have one this year, it would be "do things that make me feel human" and topping that list of things that make me feel human are finding more time and eating real food.

So I spent 2 full days preparing meals I can freeze and then pop in the oven after work. I got a freezer for the garage to store it all, and I'm feeling pretty proud of myself for my collection of frozen grub. (Read: holy crap, I'm turning into one of those things that organizes crap and cooks stuff!)

If you care (which I'm sure you don't), what you see before you is:
4 meatloaves (I make a mean, mean meatloaf, people)
3 pans of chicken cordon bleu
3 chicken pot pies - try it, you'll love it!
3 pans of stuffed pasta, and can I just mention that I have no clue what I was thinking when I decided to hand-stuff 90 pasta unit thingies?
3 pans swiss chicken
10 "batches" (6 cookies each) of chocolate chip cookies, so that when we get a craving, we don't make 2 dozen and then subsequently eat 2 dozen, all by our little, innocent selves.
Several weeks worth of baby food from this book my sister in law gave me, and I love.
2 piles of chicken enchiladas
A few loaves of Pioneer Woman's olive bread which is to.die.for.
5 balls of pizza dough
5 bags of pizza sauce

Each meal serves 4-6 so we can have it for dinner and pack it for lunch the next day as well.

That was a lot of work and I'm so glad it's over, Amen.

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