Thursday, January 31, 2008

Creme de la meme.

How lovely of my friend Jason to tag me.

How long have you been blogging?
I started this blog in April 2005

What inspired you to start your blog, and who are your mentors?
My first post ever was published into the bloggy-void from Taiwan. I was there for a month on business and without a camera. It was a means to communicate with my family and preserve my memory of the amazing culture I was experiencing. My mentors, who of course (obviously) read my blog daily and hang out with me on a regular basis, are PW, Bossy, Dooce, and DesignMom.

Are you trying to make money online, or are you doing it just for fun?
"Online" is such a general term. I am not trying to make money with this blog (although I wouldn't return any checks you feel compelled to mail me). However I am online in many other capacities including a few other blogs I author, and the following online contributions, some of which provide income for me:
...and coming very soon
so soon that I can't even allow thoughts of the deadline to creep in or my brain will start drooling out my nose and that? That is something I wouldn't even feel comfortable paying someone to clean up something I'm very excited to announce the launch of. Here is a minuscule snippet of a completely cryptic, confusing and useless preview:

What 3 things do you love about being online?
1. I love the internet because I am proficient at Google. I can find the answer to anything, ANYTHING on the web in mere seconds. Dare to challenge me. I dare you. I expect this to one day be the hirable difference between myself and another job-applicant front runner.

2. I love the internet because I am truly inspired by the photography, musings and
lives of the people I have met through blogging. Steve often interrupts whatever I'm talking about to say, "wait, WHO are you talking about?" ... "hold on, WHO are you sending this package to?" ... "now, WHO are you taking nanny-hiring advice from?" to which my reply is almost always, "psh! SUMMER, one of my BLOGGY-friends, like, DUH!"

3. I love the internet, OH I love you, internet! Because? You make me feel soooo good that some days I can't wait to get home just so I can run upstairs, close the blinds, and shoot you through my veins. Or roll you up and smoke you. But really, best of all are the days when I have cocoa in the pantry so I can sprinkle you all over in my brownie batter and eat the whole batch. And then lie on the floor and watch the ceiling fan swirl around for three hours while I drool on the carpet and dream of someday being as famous as Dooce. Or Pioneer Woman. Or at least Bossy.

(And that keyboard diarrhea is precisely why I am
not as famous as DesignMom. Or SarcasticMom. Or at least Amalah.)

Chat and IM.
Never really chatted. Still IM, but only at the office. And only when my voice hurts from yelling across the building.

Um, whoa. That's the end? What a crappy way to end a meme.

I'm not tagging anyone. This meme ends with me. Well, I mean if you want a tag, go ahead and take it.

I was so high on the internet last night, I couldn't even tag anyone. Now that the brain-fog has died away somewhat, I hereby tag Karlene, KA and Megan.

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