Thursday, January 24, 2008

I see how it is

We’re sitting at the dinner table talking, and all of a sudden this strange feeling comes over me. It was this sick feeling that I was halfway mistaking as a sharp pain underneath my cheekbones and between my ears. It was nothing like the pain you have during a sinus infection, more like that salty, tingly feeling you get in your throat right before you puke, except the puke feeling was located under my cheekbones. I realize this makes me sound like a complete nut bar, but I swear that’s exactly how it felt. Anyway, it came on really strong and sudden and I was trying to concentrate on the feeling to figure out what on earth it could mean, and I must’ve looked a little dazed, because this is what followed:

“What’s going on? You have a weird look on your face.”

“I don’t know, I just had this really weird feeling come over me. I’ve never had this happen before; I have no clue what it is!”

“Is it like really peaceful and calm?”


“Yeah, like there’s nothing to be stressed about and everything in life is juuuust fine?”

"Ha, ha. You're soooo funny."

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