Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Treading Water Giveaway!

My son is now six months old. Now that the newness of parenthood is wearing off, and I'm starting to notice that a little bit of laundry should probably be done in lieu of 24/7 goo-goo-ga-ga play time, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. I am lucky to be blessed with two moms' examples to aspire toward, and lately I'm wondering how on earth they ever got it all done when we were growing up. Working full time, momming full time, fridge somehow always stocked with food, kids clean, house clean, and through it all I still have a lot of great memories spending time with my moms, and I remember seeing them relax every now and again too. Just yesterday I asked one of my moms how on earth she did it all and she said, "looking back, I have no idea how I did it all either!"

So I'm looking for ways to stay afloat. I'm buying an extra freezer for the garage this week, and plan to make a month's worth of meals for us to draw from using What's For Dinner? I met the author this past weekend at the Utah Women's Show, where I was a fellow exhibitor.

To stay on top of laundry, I'm trying to put one load -------- we interrupt the most boring post ever written for an emergency injection of participatory fun --------

Okay, give me your very best tip for saving time and/or money when it comes to anything in the domestic arena. I'll do a drawing one week from today and send the winner a bath and body gift set with a custom, one-of-a-kind fragrance that's to die for. If you're allergic to lotion or anything fragranced, that's okay! I've had a ton of allergic people tell me this particular product is the only scented thing they can wear. Totally safe for babies too! The rules are you have to leave an honest to goodness TIP, not just any comment.

Send this post to everyone you know who has or reads blogs. I want as many entries as possible... I need all the help I can get!!

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