Friday, November 30, 2007

100th Post

Because I'm so profoundly creative and different from everyone else, I decided to post 100 things about myself in honor of my 100th post to Shrek Loves Fiona. Don't fall asleep, kay?

  1. I have green eyes.
  2. I was named after Jane Seymour’s character in Somewhere In Time: Elise McKenna.
  3. My middle name comes from my Dad’s Mom: Lyn.
  4. I started this blog in April 2005 while I was in Tawain for a month on business. It was a means to communicate with my family and preserve the amazing culture I was experiencing.
  5. I’ve been addicted to blogging ever since.
  6. I am 2 years, 2 months, and 2 days older than my brother.
  7. I can only drink a half a can of soda. I have to save the can in the fridge and finish it the next day.
  8. Strawberries are my favorite food.
  9. Well, I guess they’re tied for first with cheese.
  10. I’ve known my husband since birth.
  11. My husband babysat me when I was 8.
  12. I have a Chihuahua named Dino.
  13. I count things compulsively. How many people in the room, how many corners and sides on architectural things, how many letters on a billboard, what license plate numbers add up to, etc.
  14. Besides addition, I’m horrible at doing math in my head.
  15. I have played the piano for 18 years.
  16. It makes me feel old to say that I’ve done something for 18 years.
  17. I have played the guitar for 15 years.
  18. I used to play the saxophone
  19. I used to play the flute.
  20. Once I bought a cello after breaking up with my boyfriend.
  21. My mom said it was “rebound love”. Maybe she was right.
  22. I took it back after two weeks because I didn’t have time to take lessons.
  23. One day I will learn to play the cello well. It’s my favorite instrument.
  24. I write poetry that no one reads.
  25. I draw pictures that no one sees.
  26. I love scrapbooks but hate scrap booking.
  27. I love to sing and I’m good at it.
  28. I’m a horrible dancer but have always wished I was good.
  29. Despite the relationship between #27 & #28, I find So You Think You Can Dance so much more entertaining than American Idol.
  30. I have a really acute olfactory sense (sense of smell)
  31. My favorite smells are of books and coffee.
  32. So it’s probably no surprise to you that Barnes & Noble is my happy place. And every time I go there I leave with a brand new book. I can’t help myself. It’s a souvenir from my experience there.
  33. I only go to Barnes & Noble twice a year.
  34. My parents got divorced when I was 11.
  35. It made everyone happier.
  36. My son is Native American.
  37. I am not Native American, but my 13th great grandma was Pocahontas.
  38. When I was single, I would buy a new outfit from head to toe at least once per week.
  39. When I was single I hated doing my laundry so badly that I would buy new underwear every week.
  40. Once I got married I realized I had an addiction to shopping. Filling my shopping bag was like filling me up when my heart was empty.
  41. I still get the urge to blow a ton of money on absolutely nothing. Sometimes I go to one of my favorite online stores, fill my bag with $100s of merchandise, fill out the credit card information, and then abandon the website. It satisfies my shopping craving even though I don’t click “Submit”.
  42. Sometimes I click down on “ Submit”, hold it there for a moment, exhale, then move my mouse off of Submit before releasing the mouse button so the order doesn’t go through.
  43. I have to drink a full glass of freezing cold water right before I climb into bed or I can’t fall asleep.
  44. I wake up every single night to pee.
  45. I have a benign pituitary tumor. The pituitary is the “brain” for your hormones and endocrine system. If you were to draw a line through the inside of your head from ear to ear, and another line from the top-center of your head down, your pituitary sits where those two lines would intersect, and is smaller than a pea.
  46. 5 years ago, I had an endocrine system upset that caused me to gain 80 lbs in less than 3 months.
  47. I still haven’t lost the weight.
  48. I grit my teeth whenever I’m watching a movie because I feel like I should be doing something more productive.
  49. Still, one of my favorite things to do is watch movies.
  50. I don’t like milk chocolate.
  51. I love the darkest dark chocolate. The more it bites you back when you bite it, the better it tastes.
  52. My sister, Megan, and I have six matching freckles in identical places of our bodies.
  53. One of them is in the left peak of our upper lip. I like that freckle.
  54. I like my eyelashes.
  55. I hate my big toes.
  56. I hate wearing socks.
  57. I hate cold weather.
  58. I love the marketing emails Crate & Barrel sends. I save every single one. Whoever runs their marketing department must be my kindred. They know just the eye candy to make my heart smile.
  59. My hair is naturally curly and I don’t mind it one bit.
  60. I’ve never seen Indiana Jones.
  61. I’ve never seen Top Gun.
  62. Get over it, I’ll get around to seeing them when I feel like it.
  63. I have a mega crush on Wentworth Miller from Fox’s Prison Break.
  64. My husband wouldn’t let me name our son Wentworth or Miller.
  65. I constantly apply lipgloss throughout the day.
  66. I started a perfume/bath & body/home fragrance company.
  67. I designed a signature fragrance for my dog. It’s the perfect blend to combat mustiness.
  68. Sometimes I wear the dog’s perfume.
  69. I get a lot of compliments when I wear it.
  70. I was the choir president in high school.
  71. Just because you’re choir president in high school doesn’t mean you’re an innocent angel.
  72. I love the game World of Warcraft, but only played the 30 day trial and didn’t renew, for fear of letting it take up too much of my time.
  73. I’m a freak about techie gadgets. The latest, greatest cell phones, PDAs, mp3 players, external hard drives, laptops, hand held game systems, and cameras are absolutely irresistible to me.
  74. I love me some bling, bling!
  75. I love going to the symphony, ballet, opera, and playhouse.
  76. I love all types of music from opera to metal; country to jazz.
  77. I type 80 words per minute with 97% accuracy.
  78. The reason I know this is because I was so desperate to leave a job that sucked the life out of me I was willing to settle for less than half my salary at a recording job for the city. The application process included a typing test. I had to cancel my interview appointment because the job that sucked the life out of me sent me to Taiwan.
  79. I have traveled to Canada, Taiwan, Mexico, Belize, and Honduras. I don’t feel like I’ve truly seen any of these places, except for Taiwan.
  80. I get a professional pedicure every few months.
  81. I am a graphic designer.
  82. I am a web designer.
  83. I pick at my nose a lot.
  84. In a previous life, I went to media make-up artistry school and did makeup for print work, television shows that never aired (or only the pilot aired), and a movie that won several awards at film festivals including Sundance.
  85. When I tell people this, they assume I also know how to do hair, but I don’t. I strictly know camera makeup.
  86. My first job ever was for an MLM company. I was 14 when I started.
  87. I have never left the MLM industry since. I love it. And most people I know who have ever worked at the corporate office of an MLM never end up leaving the industry.
  88. I could never be an MLM distributor. I don’t have what it takes.
  89. I could, however, be a party plan distributor, but I’m not.
  90. I am the most talkative person I know.
  91. I love to say things for the shock value. I get that from my Dad. I put my foot in my mouth quite often for this.
  92. Sometimes I get embarrassed about my feelings and push loved ones away.
  93. When I first meet someone I’m really shy. Once I feel comfortable around them, I overcompensate for that early shyness.
  94. I’m a people watcher. When I watch people I’ve never met, I can see through them and feel like I know them after only a few minutes. I’ve done this since I was a baby.
  95. Sometimes I still listen to Ace of Base.
  96. My favorite colors are green and orange.
  97. My husband says I use exorbitant amounts of toilet paper. It’s because what if the wad is too thin and my finger pokes through?
  98. I only drink bottled water.
  99. I didn’t graduate from college.
  100. My friends and family call me either Kenna or Ken.

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