Wednesday, May 07, 2008


I've been swamped the last week! With what, I can't really quantify, but life just feels really busy right now and the laundry, my unplucked eyebrows and this blog are starting to show for it. I'm still feeling really scattered but I do have some very important things to say:

1. It seems nowadays that more women have hormonal problems than not. And by "hormonal problems" I don't mean being neurotically touchy & pugnacious (well, not necessarily, although I know these two are often related), but really having some sort of imbalance that causes health grief. I came to this realization today after hearing these words come out of my mouth during a conversation with a friend:

"What?! You have a period every single month? And it only lasts 5 days? pfff! (freak.)"
2. I hereby confess to reading and enjoying the Twilight series, in spite of the fact that Bella is a BLINKING IDIOT and Edward is a CONTROL FREAKED STALKER and that the series sends a clear message to all 17 year old girls who are in love (and clearly, if your knees buckle when you make out with your boyfriend, you are, in FACT, in love): Don't think twice about leaving your entire life behind and changing every single little thing about yourself in order to be with "the bad boy". It makes perfect sense, of course, because of your deep, undying love for him. (Even though he's permanently incapable of doing the same for you.)

Yes, in spite of all that, I enjoy myself some Stephenie Meyer. And today her first stab at sci-fi came out. My mother will be so proud that I'm giving the genre a try.

3. Scruples question for all of you: Say you recently bought a so-claimed "patent pending" product for $30 from a brand new, woman-owned company. The product seems so innovative and fun, providing a solution to a problem you've had (and you know many others have, too) your entire life. And then the product arrives and immediately upon opening it, you think, "Oh. That's it? I could have made this for 2 dollars using very common materials." But before getting too upset about it, you decide to try the product out, thinking there must be some hidden secret locked inside its fibers. And it does nothing. Absolutely nothing. Do you blog about it to warn others? I mean, where is your loyalty: with your friends and blog readers, or with this fellow woman entrepreneur who is trying to launch a new business?

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