Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day and money.

Carter wanted to make me a homemade Mother's Day gift all by himself. Can you believe that? At only 13 months of age! He gave me a hug and then put his gift all over my shoulder, and down the front and back of my shirt. And then he gave that gift to me several times throughout the day resulting in 3 showers for me and 4 baths for him. Despite it all, it was a great Mother's Day.

This weekend we have tickets to a financial seminar by Dave Ramsey. We took his Financial Peace course several years ago and have had nothing but peaceful feelings when it comes to money ever since. No, but really, we like his advice and use a quite a few of his budgeting methods. I've always thought it a little peculiar, though, that some people make an extremely comfortable living teaching others how to make a comfortable living... or at least hold onto the living they're currently making. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sour on it one bit. It's a valuable service and learning to manage your own money is an important thing. But I couldn't help the sarcasm after reading a reminder email that just arrived about the seminar this weekend (which starts at 1:00pm). They say doors will open at 11:00am. Why so early? Probably so we can spend all our emergency fund on Dave Ramsey T-shirts and CDs and stuff - which, doesn't that kind of defeat the entire point anyway? Along with the option for VIP tickets you can get for $150 extra, which include "Lunch with Dave" and free refreshments during the seminar. Wouldn't DAVE, by his very nature, recommend we go with the cheapest tickets available? I'm secretly hoping he'll scold those in the VIP rows for spending way too much on his tickets when they could have gone the discount route and put the rest in a high-interest savings account. But then, he WANTED them to buy the expensive tickets, no? What a quandary.

And speaking of quandaries, based on all your comments on this post, I've decided to talk about the product I purchased that would have been a little overpriced even if it worked magically. But then it didn't work at all. And not because of manufacturer's defect, either. Just because it's plain dumb. But just to be fair, I'm going to spend some time looking for positive reviews on the product as well. If I find good reviews, maybe that means I just have really bad taste and am apparently not with it. At ALL. And if only bad reviews exist, well, then, more fuel to the fire, baby.


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