Monday, September 01, 2008

Welcome to my new blog!

I am the biggest dork on the face of the planet to spend my free time this weekend on a new blog. But it's something I've been wanting to do for quite a while. Not only because the name of my old blog was like a bad tattoo (didn't think that one through too much, did I? I liked it for about five minutes, and lived with it for 3 years), but also because I wanted to slurp all my blogs together in one place. I snagged up the url of my namesake forever ago but was hesitant to make it my blog because, well, despite being a little cheesy, I wondered if people would think it's a little egotistical. But you know, I've put all that past me now.

So before you freak and try to tell me this doesn't even resemble the look of a blog, let me explain. The whole change-o-presto tabbed section at the top? Those are my posts, they're just categorized. That means if you don't care about my silly aspiration to be able to take a pretty picture one day, hate to cook, or could care less about Photoshop techniques and artsy finds, well then you don't have to bother yourself with those subjects and just stick to the first tab. Each tab displays my most recent post in each category.

Below the tabbed area we have two columns: "Kennalyn Recommends" and my blogroll. The recommendations are not ads. These are products or services I've personally tried, received or seen and I think they're just fabulous. So I'm sharing the love. They'll change from time to time, but you'll always be able to see the entire list.

So there you have it! A virtual tour of my virtual blog. And I even have a new post up in every category. A small feast to end the famine, if you will.

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