Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Letting go?

About 3 years ago, we got a Chihuahua puppy. The sweetest thing in the world, and we named him Dino ("dee-noh"). Dino was really therapeutic for me because in my go!-go!-go! world, he brought me back to the basics. Taking care of him as a puppy, making sure he was fed, clean, walked, etc helped ground me, and gave me an excuse to take a breather during my busy day. I appreciated that about him so much. I still do. But you know? Now three years have passed and I'm not sure I was cut out to be a dog owner anymore.

He's completely house trained and extremely obedient. But he's a Chihuahua, which means whenever someone knocks at the door, he barks his brains out until it's answered. And then when our guest comes inside, he's all over them, "hi! hi! hi! mynamesdinowhatsyours? hi! you're here! i'm here! we'rebothHERE-HIIIII!!!!! doyouloveme? ithinkiloveyoualready,so.hi!!!

And then there's the hair, that I'm so dang sick of rolling off my clothes before I leave the house every morning. And the fact that Carter thinks it's hilarious to drop his toy cars into Dino's water bowl, hang out inside his kennel, and occasionally have an afternoon snack at his food dish. AHHH! Drives me nuts.

But I feel so guilty about all this. I can't believe I'm even considering finding a new home for sweet Dino. Because three years ago, I committed to being a dog owner. You can't just decide later on that you're not interested anymore, can you? On the other hand, my sanity craves simplicity. And I wonder if he'd be happier in a home with other dogs and perhaps an actual yard to run around in.

If I go through with this, I'll only accept one million dollars as payment OR zero dollars. And if it's zero dollars, there will be a strict interview process. I've already considered many of the points I will go over. And when they take him away I will stand on the porch and bawl like a five year old losing her best fwend.

But something tells me I'll wake up a week later relieved and validated.

Am I horrible?

Please either talk me out of it or give me permission.

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