I have some space I need to fill on my sidebar! I plan for these areas to be FREE ADS for now. Free ads for blogs, companies, products, etsy stores and the like. And let me tell you, this ad space is in extremely high demand, as this blog receives about eighty to one hundred
entire unique visitors every single day. Well, at least it did when it was at ShrekLovesFiona.blogspot.com, and I'm assuming all those readers will very soon update their bookmarks, but can you
believe that crazy, band-width busting statistic?! I'm practically famous. I'm practically Marth Stewart, people. No.
So to kick off Kennalyn.com (I still feel a little funny saying/typing 'kennalyn.com', kinda like I did with my new last name for a few weeks after getting married), I'm giving away the following:
One 250x250 ad (you need to design it yourself) (although if you absolutely can't and you are really, really nice to me, I suppose I could whip one up for you) (actually, I'd love to, but just.this.once!)
Two 250x88 ads (same rules apply regarding button design)
Your button will appear on Kennalyn.com for one entire month. That's approximately 3000 impressions. If everyone updates their bookmarks. Oh, and if everyone didn't go away while I was on blog-hiatus (it so far seems like you've all stayed, thank heaven!)
So to enter, leave a comment telling me about what your ad would be for (your blog... your store... your online dating profile?) and also a link to the site your ad would promote. If you have more than one blog/shop/company/product, please enter them all separately, and they'll receive a separate entry. After I rule out any inappropriate entries (you wouldn't do that, would you?) I will choose a winner using
You have until
Wednesday, September 20th to enter! I chose that date because 1) It gives people time to realize that I indeed still exist and to update their bookmark. 2) That gives the winners several days to send me their button so it can go live October 1st. 3) That's my sister's birthday, and she's a crazy punk.
On your mark, get set, go!