Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sharing the love

This year I made hand made valentines with my mom. We got the idea from Heather Bailey and I love how they turned out! Here's mine:

Here's Heather's:

I'm not so much bugged about how my valentines turned out, because in person, mine look every bit as delicious as hers, but my photo... left something to be desired. Heather's picture warms the cockles of my heart. I can almost taste perfectly plump and juicy fruit in my mouth when I look at it.

I have a special valentine for all my readers. I am subscribed to over 100 blogs, some of which I read daily, others weekly or monthly, etc. and I'm always on the lookout for great, new content to read and am continually inspired by the blogosphere. So today I'm sharing the bloggy love with some of my very favorite blogs ever, in no particular order:

Chea Lamb Inspiring, creative portraiture.

The Pioneer Woman Horse and food photography, and I'm not even a horse person OR a food pers -- oh.

Dooce Three photos posted daily: daily photo, daily chuck (her dog), daily style.

Sarcastic Mom Her wit never ceases.

PW Cooks My favorite cooking blog.

Domestication in Progress My other favorite cooking blog. It has an awesome contributor community.

Web Designers Wall
If you're a web designer like I am, you will want to marry me just for introducing this blog to you.

DesignMom The best blog on where design and motherhood intersect.

Heather Bailey Who I want to be when I grow up.

Design Sponge The ultimate collection of eye candy, served up daily.

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