Friday, February 29, 2008


Back in black, I hit the sack,
I've been too long, I'm glad to be back
Yes I'm let loose from the noose,
That's kept me hangin' about...

Boy howdy, I just endured one FREAK of a flu. On top of it a sinus infection, a double ear infection, and strep! COMBO POINTS! Really though? I've never been so sick for so long in my life. I have to cry just by thinking about it, it was that traumatic. Or maybe it was all that money I spent on lotion-coated Kleenex, which, before this bout, I always thought was silly. But when you have 3 layers of scabs forming around your nostrils from the constant wiping? Lotion-coated Kleenex is like the greatest invention ever.

So anyway... here I am. I've missed you, internet!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sharing the love

This year I made hand made valentines with my mom. We got the idea from Heather Bailey and I love how they turned out! Here's mine:

Here's Heather's:

I'm not so much bugged about how my valentines turned out, because in person, mine look every bit as delicious as hers, but my photo... left something to be desired. Heather's picture warms the cockles of my heart. I can almost taste perfectly plump and juicy fruit in my mouth when I look at it.

I have a special valentine for all my readers. I am subscribed to over 100 blogs, some of which I read daily, others weekly or monthly, etc. and I'm always on the lookout for great, new content to read and am continually inspired by the blogosphere. So today I'm sharing the bloggy love with some of my very favorite blogs ever, in no particular order:

Chea Lamb Inspiring, creative portraiture.

The Pioneer Woman Horse and food photography, and I'm not even a horse person OR a food pers -- oh.

Dooce Three photos posted daily: daily photo, daily chuck (her dog), daily style.

Sarcastic Mom Her wit never ceases.

PW Cooks My favorite cooking blog.

Domestication in Progress My other favorite cooking blog. It has an awesome contributor community.

Web Designers Wall
If you're a web designer like I am, you will want to marry me just for introducing this blog to you.

DesignMom The best blog on where design and motherhood intersect.

Heather Bailey Who I want to be when I grow up.

Design Sponge The ultimate collection of eye candy, served up daily.

Monday, February 11, 2008

I can do this.

Tonight, just after I laid you in your crib and watched your eyelids slowly fall as you snuggled up to your woobie, I went downstairs to start collecting things for your big day tomorrow. I wrote your name on your shirt tag, your sippy cup, your favorite blanket. I carefully folded your clothes, and as I placed the last sweater on the stack, I wondered for a moment if it smelled like me. I unfolded it and raised it to my face, breathing in deeply. It smelled like nothing. Maybe to someone else, it would smell like our house, or like me, or like you. But to me it smelled blank; meaningless. All at once I started to sob, and this shocked me because before now, I had completely held my crap together about all this. But not tonight. Not now, as I top off this huge sac of everything-you-could-possibly-want-and-more for tomorrow: your first day of daycare.

For weeks, I have carefully researched and interviewed to find you the most ideal place. The place I feel you’d be the most happy, and somehow I feel only I can know this. And I found a great place for you, right near my office, where you can play and sing songs and create your first little friendships in life. Ms. Mariala is kind and sweet. She knows how to make your bottles and change your diaper. She knows lots of games and rhymes and is probably better-equipped to save you from a choking attack than I am. She sings songs too, but not as good as your mama, and I’m certain you will notice this. The thing is, though... she doesn’t know how you like to be held before your morning nap, with your head on my arm and your blanket over only half of your face. She doesn’t know that when you’re really sleepy and you hold your hand up in the air and close your eyes, what you’re asking for is the palm of your hand and your forearm to be caressed. And she doesn’t know just the right way to tickle your ear and the back of your head that makes you finally nod off to sleep. She doesn’t know these things.

But you know what? You’re going to love her anyway. And you’re going to love being around kids your age. You’ll watch them closely and meanwhile get so excited that there’s someone your size rolling around on the ground, you’ll have no choice but to grin that perfect, crooked grin of yours and bounce up and down that one way. That’s exactly what you do when there are other babies in the room, and I guess, I suppose, I can’t think of anything else that gets you more excited than loving on other kids besides seeing your daddy walk in the door from work. So, see? It’s your second favorite thing, you’re going to be just fine. And besides, no one will be able to steal your favorite sippy cup because I just wrote your name on it, in permanent marker, on four different places, just in case the cup is turned just “so” on the shelf, hiding the fact that THIS IS CARTER’S CUP.

And, okay, I’ll even bet that your favorite blanket? Doesn’t smell at all like “nothing” to you.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

If you use a blog reader: don't click to view this post! You've been warned. Everyone else: I'm so very, very sorry.

Behold the flesh-eating staph which makes my husband's skin looks like he's 67 years old and fresh out of the tanning bed. I took this picture yesterday but wish I took it the day before because this is looking really, really good in comparison. I just don't quite know what to say about this picture. Perhaps: "sluuuuurp!"

(You're welcome for making this tiny. Click to zoom at your own risk)

It's hard to get a camera angle that really does the depth of this pot hole justice. Mind you, this started as the tiniest, most minuscule and innocent zit/ingrown hair thingie. And now it's a horrific canyon of puke-inducing pus.

I'm really sorry I posted these pictures. I regret you have to go through the agony of looking at them, but I had to post them, honestly. It's just one of those things. Well, whenever I have to take something really disgusting, I have a glass of fruit juice handy to wash it down. So here's some of the sweetest juice I could find. This is my offering of peace:

See? Doesn't that make it all better? Now please don't delete me from your RSS list. Pleeeeease.

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

How to annoy me

Put one of those stupid playlists on your blog that automatically start blaring out as soon as your visitors scroll down far enough for them to come into view. Playlists are great and all, but don't effing default them to "on". Lub you!

On to other issues... I know my posting has been really light lately, and I'm sorry. But my first excuse is that I'm working on something that's consuming my evenings, weekends and all other moments of free time. More on that later. My second excuse is that what started as a silly ingrown hair on Steve's arm has rapidly developed into MRSA (mer-sah), a flesh-eating, resistant to antibiotics staph infection. It's highly contagious and highly disgusting to look at, and highly likely to be the reason today will be the last day you'll ever visit my blog for fear of catching it just by looking at your monitor.

So needless to say, trips to the doctor and constant home-sanitization have kept me far away from being able to write anything thought-provoking or intelligent. So I resort to excruciating kenna-shtick and self-facial morphing to get me through the slump. I love you if you keep coming back anyway. But not if you have an auto-play music list on your blog. I kid, I kid. But not really. I'm not really kidding, kind of. Well, maybe, you know?

Saturday, February 02, 2008


Would you still love me if I looked like this?

Hmmm... looks like SOMEONE needs a sideblog. Because I can't help myself but post these stupid little mini-posts.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Last night as we were getting ready for bed, Steve turned to me and said, "By the way... you PUNCHED me last night."

"Um. Como?"

*pulls down lower lip* "See my bloody lip? I was lying there, innocently sleeping. You rolled over and cold-cocked me."

*laughing so hard I can hardly breathe, let alone spit out the sentence* "Honey, I do not remember doing that and I am so, so sorry."

"I jolted awake and had to go rinse blood out of my mouth. And my teeth have hurt all day long."

I then threw my head back in some freak-accident fit of laughter, and it hit the wall behind my bed so hard I didn't think it would ever stop throbbing. But I didn't even mind it because the other night in my sleep, I PUNCHED MY HUSBAND IN THE FACE.