Monday, January 22, 2007

Surprise, Surprise

Last week I received some exciting news. Utah Valley Magazine is a great, high-end magazine distributed locally. I was just flipping through the February issue and was very surprised to find that the magazine named my company in the top 3 "Best Products Made in Utah Valley". I was so excited, I asked the magazine to send me a PDF of everything so I could send it to my friends. Click here to view the article in a PDF... Very exciting!

An update on my smelly endeavors - Urban Botanic is now in 17 states and we're growing day by day. It is such a JOY to build this company and come to work each day with a great support system and the most wonderful fragrance designing Scent Consultants around the nation who are excited about our products and creating a business for themselves!

For those of you that missed it, I was also on TV last fall. It's pretty mortifying - what will I wear? What if I mess up? What if you can see beads of sweat running down my face? What if I accidentally snort while laughing? OMG WHAT.IF.I.FART.ON.TELEVISION? Then what???!?

So, it turned out okay. I didn't make a complete fool of myself, but it's still complete torture to watch. I cringe at my voice and my laugh... but I guess wouldn't we all - it's the self-critic thing. The bright side? I consider it practice for being on the Oprah show.

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