Monday, April 11, 2005

The Ice Cream Man!!!!!

So I'm sitting in the office this afternoon, nursing my second kiwi juice of the day (brought to me courtesy of the receptionist here, who waits on me hand and foot ... what can I say? They love me here) - (I did the math and I must be having nearly 15-20 kiwis per day, and no diarrhea. I'm a phenom!!!!!) Where was I? Oh yes, nursing the kiwi juice. And what to my wondering ears did hear?


"No way!", I exclaim as I run to the window.. they have the ice cream man here too??? I wonder what Taiwanese ice cream tastes like? (Certainly they are way off on hamburgers, as we learned from the day trip to Danshui)

The ice cream man drives a yellow truck the size of... a garbage truck? No... but there's cartoons on the side and it's blaring a batteries-running-out-music-box version of 'Fur Elise'. But alas, the truck parks on the corner of the block and all the worker bees come running out of the buildings with sacks and sacks of trash. They have to dump their own, apparantely, while the trash man sits in the driver seat chewing his beetle nut (I'll explain beetle nut later).

And thus it is, the lazy garbage man plays happy tunes to let the neighborhood know it's time to dump the trash. Who thinks of these things?

*beetlenut - think chewing tobacco, only bright red and packed full of caffeine. Over time, your gums and teeth turn red. My new friend, Joe, the taxi driver (who I took a picture of and will post soon) chews it as he drives. I know all this because I asked him why his mouth was bleeding.

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