Saturday, July 18, 2009


To anyone who reads this blog, it should be no surprise that I have struggled with my weight for exactly 7 years now. Okay, actually I've struggled with it my entire life, but in hindsight, I declare that it doesn't really count as a struggle when you're a size 6. Sorry. I detailed what happened to cause my weight gain in this post a while back. The past year, I have finally been able to get my endocrine system in check - at least in check enough that my weight loss efforts actually have the possibility to bring RESULTS.

Last year I lost 55 lbs, gained some back during the holidays (like an idiot), and have lost a bit more since then. Uber yay. Except that I've been thinking, my long term goal, Sexy Beeyotch, still seems pretty far into the distant future. In fact, I can't even see it on the horizon just yet. That can be discouraging at times, so I decided I needed to distract myself with something along the way ("oooh! shiny!!!"). So I signed up to run a 5k. I KNOW. What the CRAP. WAS. I. THINKING?

Too late to turn back now, I already paid my money. Nevermind that I've never ran a day in my life. I don't even like playing sports. I have a specific training program I'm following to develop a running base and prep myself for my race. This requires an amazing amount of trust, an emotion not native to my kind. Trust that this program really will get me ready to run withint 6-8 weeks as it promises. Because seriously? This week it's telling me to run 2 minutes at a time and walk 5 minutes in between? And 30 seconds in to the running spurts, I'm fumbling around with my phone's running application wondering if the freaking thing has somehow stopped working because I SWEAR IT'S ALREAY BEEN LIKE 6 MINUTES AND IT WAS SUPPOSED TO TELL ME TO WALK 4 MINUTES AGO AND I'M SERIOUSLY ABOUT TO DIE, LIKE LITERALLY HYPERVENELATE-AND-THEN-MY-HEART-WILL-STOP-BEATING DIIIIE.

Trust. Just don't think about the fact that your race is weeks away. Trust the training program.

So anyway, the purpose of this whole story is that, as extra motivation to myself, I am detailing my entire grueling training experience at KENNARUNS.BLOGSPOT.COM. This blog is my accountability system. So come on over and offer my chunky butt some words of encouragement. Or, I'll even take heckling and criticism because either way, it's still attention, and I'm very much like Lindsay Lohan in that respect. Amen.

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