Thursday, September 20, 2007

Summer Reading Recap

I have always had a hard time following rules. There's just something about The Man telling me to do things that makes me want to do the exact opposite. This is also a problem for me when setting goals for myself, because then I become my own The Man. And the (The Man) voice in my head keeps telling me to do this or do that and I just can't bring myself to obey.

My mom started a summer reading program over at InkSplasher, challenging everyone who joined to make a reading goal for summer and stick to it. This summer I've read more books than I have any other summer, and it wasn't because I set the goal. It was because I happened upon books that I just can't get enough of. That or I now crave a fictional getaway more than I have in the past. So here's the recap of my Summer Reading Thing:

1. How many total books did you read? Were you surprised by that number?
I read 7 books. It didn't surprise me while I was in the midst of it... how fast I was reading, that is. But in hindsight, 7 books in one summer is pretty significant for me:
1. Bridge to Terabithia
2. Twilight
3. New Moon
4. Eclipse
5. Uglies
6. Pretties
7. The 5th Horseman

2. How do you feel about what you read?
Love Edward. Love Jacob. Annoyed at Bella. Tally's my hero. Huge crush on Zane. Totally bubbly summer.

3. Which was your favorite book, and why?
Don't make me do this. I can only narrow to two: Eclipse and Uglies. And Twilight, because you have to love the first one.

4. Which was your least favorite, and why?
The 5th Horseman. This is the 5th book in James Patterson's Women's Murder Club series. They were never phenominal, but the plots were okay so they kept me reading. Now that the bar is a sexy vampire, I'm not going to finish the series.

5. What about your stretch book? Did you find that you enjoyed it after all? Are you planning to read more of that genre/author?
My stretch book was Uglies. I hate Sci-Fi. Still do. But the Uglies series doesn't count. I'm completely loving it.

6. Did you discover a new author that you're excited about?
Two! Stephenie Meyer rocks my world. Scott Westerfeld is even better at writing, and I love his Uglies series, but I don't know if I'll read his other stuff... just because I'm afraid it won't measure up to Uglies.

7. What did you learn about yourself through this reading experience? Was this fun?
I learned that I love vampires and my son is a werewolf. Very fun.

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