Thursday, June 04, 2009

The most boring meme you've ever read.

Emma tagged me because she thinks I say funny things.

6 names you go by:
1. McKenna
2. Kenna
3. Ken
4. Hon
5. Mama
6. Honey (by my son, nonetheless)

3 things you are wearing right now:

1. Wedding ring
2. Sweater that I'm going to wear to my sister's wedding.
3. Yellow shirt that is so cute and I wish I dared to wear it outside the house but my arms are still too chubby.

3 things you want very badly at the moment :

1. A housekeeper
2. An allergy-free head
3. Pedicure

2 things you did last night:

1. Pruned my tomatoes
2. Watched Forever Strong

3 people you last talked to on the phone:
Steve, husband; Megan, sister; Natasha, best friend and poodle. Totally a poodle.

things you are going to do tomorrow:

Wake up cured of the swine flu.
The laundry I am supposed to be doing tonight.

3 of your favorite beverages

1. Ice, ice, ice cold water. Filtered, please.
2. Umm...
3. Medifast Flavor Infusors that you mix into water - basically flavored green tea.

Sorry Emma, apparently I'm not that funny today.

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