Monday, October 06, 2008

Sorry. I know, it's bad.

This happened many years ago when I first got engaged. I kind of dropped my girlfriends and fell off the planet, because, well? There are only so many waking hours and a girl has got to spend them all with her man when she's engaged! On the one hand, I felt really badly that I wasn't hanging with my normal pals all the time; I know they didn't fully understand why I had fallen off the planet and that made me sad. But on the other hand, I still put them off so that I could spend more time with Steve.

After a while, I began wanting to call my friends, but because I had put them off for a few weeks, I didn't feel I deserved to call them up now that it was convenient for me. So I didn't call. I just didn't want to seem ingenuine.

Well that whole thing is worked out now. I'm pretty sure they forgave me, we still get together regularly. But I'm feeling similarly about this blog. I know, WHINE, WHINE, WHINE. I've already committed bloggy suicide at least half a dozen times. But the thing is I've had all these great little things to post, but I haven't felt worthy of posting them. I've felt like I need to come back out with fireworks and streamers and HELLLLO!!!! HERE IS MY BLOOOOOOG, ISN'T IT LOVELY? I'M BACK FROM HIATUS AND THIS POST IS MY WELLLLLLCOME WAGON, ISN'T IT GLOOORIOUS?!

So I did that with this whole redesign and then I went away again, in typical fashion. I'm not engaged this time (still married from the first time) but something has been yanking at all four limbs lately. It's still yanking, but I'll be posting for me now. For the sake of my quickly-fading memory of all the little things in life I wish to remember.

And, not that i wish to remember this particular thing, but last night I was bored, so I cleaned out my medicine cabinet, and look what I found in there:

Just a few packs of gum.
And yes, we prefer Orbit and 5.
That Trident must've been in our stocking last year at Christmas or something.

These don't count the 10-12 packs I threw away because they only had a few pieces left and I figured they were hard and dry by now. Where do you keep your gum? With the band-aids and the tea? Doesn't that seem the most logical place to keep the gum? "Honey, where are the matches?" ... "Dunno, try checking the gum-bandaids-tea cabinet."

So I officially implemented a spending freeze on gum.
Now if only all my other cabinets had such accessible contents with labels pointing outward.

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