Thursday, June 28, 2007

My Life Is Now Complete

So I just got tagged. I hate these surveys when they come in the form of an email, but for a blog, I'm all for it. I did the math and if everyone follows through, tagging five legitimate bloggers, and those tagged actually visit the five blogs on the list, your blog will receive 3,125 visits by the time your name falls off the top of the list. If they like you, they might come back regularly to read more. If your readership expands, that's cool. Because you can get, like, money and stuff... and that's cool. So here I go.

Remove the blog from the top, move all the blogs up one, and add yourself to the bottom.

The Lyon's Tale
Sundial in the Shade

What were you doing ten years ago?
I was 15 years old, in my first boyfriend's room teaching him how to play the guitar. He thought Stairway to Heaven was so cool so we were listening to it, trying to pick it out. That song was entirely too long and old for me, but I enjoyed it anyway because I was "in love". He's now a famous guitar player. My claim to fame.

What were you doing one year ago?

Working on launching my company, Urban Botanic. It's been an amazing ride and so much fun!

Five snacks you enjoy:
1. Vanilla protein shake mixed with a handful of oats, a pinch of banana creme pudding powder, a spoonful of peanut butter, and ice... swirled around in my Magic Bullet for 15 seconds. Better than icecream and my breakfast every morning I'm in the mood to cheat on my diet.
2. Green apple slices with Laughing Cow cheese on top.
3. Fresh strawberries.

4. Butterdillas (quesadillas, but with butter instead of cheese)
5. Carter's cheeks.

Five songs you know all the lyrics to:
1. Baby Got Back
2. Ice, Ice, Baby
3. Shoop
4. Edelweiss
5. You Are My Sunshine
I know the words to many more, but these are the ones I'm most proud of because 1-3 are particularly difficult and fun to sing, and 4-5 make my son's face light up.

Things you would do if you were a millionaire:
1. Build my dream house and hire a full time personal chef and housekeeper.
2. Start an insurance fund, providing the best health, car, life, and home insurance money can buy for all my friends and family.
3. Visit all the corners of the world and watch people live in their own unique ways.
4. Grow my money through businesses and investing.
5. Buy my Tokidoki purse... several of them.

Five bad habits:
1. Sleeping in
2. Working too much
3. Swearing
4. Letting the mail pile up
5. Not calling people from church back

Five things you like to do:
1. Create fragrances
2. Watch SYTYCD
3. Create music
4. Talk nonstop
5. Graphic Design

Things you will never wear again:
1. The pair of jeans I just took to goodwill because they're now one size too big.
2. Tapered leg pants
3. A retainer
4. Eyeliner (it's now tattooed on)
5. Acrylic nails

Five favorite toys:
1. Computer
2. Dance, Dance, Revolution
3. My under-counter-mounted radio, DVD, TV, and iPod player, the only thing that keeps me sane while cooking and cleaning.
4. It's really sad that I can only think of three toys.
5. I think it's because I work all the time.

Where will I be in ten years?
In the Bahamas with my UB Fragrance Designers or my family.

Five people to tag:
1. Natasha
2. Steve
3. Chante
4. Ryan - you KNOW you want to!
5. Dooce, since she visits my blog all the time.

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