Monday, April 24, 2006

Blaze Me, Baby

I was recently reminded of the reason my parents named me McKenna, here. At one point, the top baby name on the list was Erin (which I feel is no match for my personality) until my parents saw the movie Somewhere In Time, where Jane Seymour played a character named Elise McKenna and I’ll let you finish the story in your own head. But that’s not so important as what my destiny would be, had I been given the Y chromosome. If I had been a boy, the plan was to bestow the name Blazer upon me. Every time I remember this interesting fact about me, I’m thrown into a deep quandary about my destiny, which sadly and quite obviously would have been the choice between a Chippendale dancer and an American Gladiator. Which would I choose? This is the quandary. So much is in a name.

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